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Kawaii Journal #Stayathome Edition

Kawaii Journal #Stayathome Edition

Kawaii Journal #Stayathome Edition

Kawaii Journal #Stayathome Edition

First things first, I want to thank everyone who’s enjoyed our store, and our followers for following, liking posts and especially to those who engage and comment and who I have got to know over the past year, we wouldn’t have got this far without you!


So, I couldn’t start this blog without mentioning the crazy times we are currently living in. Across the globe, people have been told to #Stayathome, to save lives, and protect our precious health care systems.

It is an anxious time for many, and for some more than others. Right now, its important we are all grateful for what we do have, and try not to focus on what we’re missing, while all the while looking forward to seeing our friends again, and getting out and about. We wish everyone the best!

It is however the perfect time to get some of your thoughts down on paper.. Whatever you’re feeling, getting it down can help you understand yourself and your uniqueness and prepare better for the future.

This month I’ve decided to feature two lovely ladies, Andy Engel & Unicorn Dream.

I find their blog styles really calming and easy to follow, which I believe is what we all need at the moment.

First up! Unicorn Dream....



Unicorn Dream updates her videos very consistently, every week! Her latest videos focus on journaling, and highlighting her favourites using, Stickers, Washi-tape, cut-outs and Kawaii designs.

Im sure you’ve all been watching a fair few movies since you’ve been at home, so why not select some of your favourites, and join Unicorn Dream in her Kawaii Journaling Love Challenge by making your own Romantic Movie List. I'm going to try this with my favourite Studio Ghibli movies, how about you?

Make sure you Subscribe to her Youtube Channel 'Unicorn DreamHere 

Journal With Me | Kawaii Journaling Love Challenge | Romantic Movie List | Unicorn Dream 


"Hi ! I'm Michelle and I'm lives in Malaysia. I have many many dream and I still on my way to make it all real. I love UNICORN, UNICORN mean magical, kindness, eternally and happiness to me. I love journaling. I achieve my dream by writing down in my bullet journal. I created this channel because I like challenge myself by coming up new things like different video with creative, fun and cheerful."

BGM// Music by Chillhop Music: https://chillhop.com Lover - Taylor Swift

Like what she does? Why not try for yourself?

Take a look at our stationery collection HERE, were sure you’ll find something you like, and if you have any questions, just use our contact form or DM us on instagram @thekawaiishoppu <3 

Next we take a look at one of our favourite Youtubers, Andy Engel...



We absolutely LOVE @itsandyengel ’s style and use of watercolours in her amazingly cute kawaii designs. Her videos are beautiful and chilled, and with great background music, you can join her in a relaxing watercolour session, guaranteed to calm those nerves. 


About 💜 ANDY ENGEL 💜

"Isn't the BT21 characters so cute? My favourite one is RJ. I use some references from the official Instagram of BT21, also I love the colours on this month theme, how about you? Do you like it :)"


MUSIC ✨ LAKEY INSPIRED ⦁ Chill Day ⦁ I found me ⦁ Distant ⦁ Warm nights » SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired "


We hope you enjoyed our Kawaii Journal #Stayathome edition and we can’t wait to see you when times are different. Who knows what we’ll all be up to then.

Until then, please join us on Instagram and Like our page on Facebook to come have a chat, and enjoy shopping with us!

Stay Kawaii <3


The Kawaii Shoppu


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